WELCOME TOThe Purgatorium
Health and Wellness Clinic
Registered Nurses
Advanced Practice
Registered Business
Australian registered products and devices approved for sale and/or use in Australia ONLY
Individualised person centered treatment planning
ABOUT The Purgatorium
The Purgatorium is a privately owned health and wellness clinic providing holistic and inclusive person centred care to all our patients.
The Purgatorium will soon expand its services to new patients for the following; sexual and reproductive health, womens health and wellness, weight management and nutrition therapy, travel health, dermatology, wound care services, transgender and diverse community, minimally invasive medical and dermatology procedures and more.
The Purgatorium will also be accepting Team Care Arrangeements from General Practitioner for partients on GP Management Plans for collaboration and patient education and/or interventions.
Medicare Rebates currently NOT available
Health and Wellness Consultations
(existing patients only)
Sexual and Reproductive Health
Womens Health and Wellness
Weight Management and Nutrition Therapy
Travel Health
Wound Care Services
Transgender and Diverse Community
Chronic Disease Management and Health Coaching
Patient Information
Patients under 16 years MUST be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian
Patients over 16 years can attend appointments without parent or legal guardian and no information will be shared with your parent or legal guardian without your consent
Summary letters will be provided to your GP or specialist unless you request otherwise
Psychiatric clearance may be required for some episodes of care
Medical Procedures and Interventions
(existing patients only)
Sexual Health Screening (Cervical, STI,BBV)
Implantable Medical Device (insertion and removal)
IV Infusions (medically indicated ONLY)
Minimal Trauma Fracture Management (casting and removal)
Skin Lesion Assessment and Removal (biopsy for investigation)
Cyst Removal (complete excision)
Wound Care and Wound Repair (dressings, suturing, wound care treatment plan)
Ear Syringing (wax removal)
Patient Information
Patients under 16 years MUST be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian
Patients over 16 years can attend appointments without parent or legal guardian and no information will be shared with your parent or legal guardian without your consent
Summary letters will be provided to your GP or specialist unless you request otherwise
Psychiatric clearance may be required for some episodes of care
​All patients MUST attend a consult prior to booking in any procedures
Healthy Ageing, Independence and Social Safety
(private funded patients with referrals only)
Senior Health Assessments
Falls Risk and Frailty Assessments
Cognitive Assessments
Continence Aid Payment Scheme​
Domiciliary Care (wounds, medications, etc)
Assisting with My Aged Care Referrals
​Advanced Care Directives
Patient Information
Patients MUST pre-approve any family members or friends attending appointments or speaking on their behalf who are not appointed enduring power of attorney (EPOA) or Enduring Guardianship (personal and medical decision maker).
Family members or friends who are not legal, financial, personal or medical decision makers will not be provided any patient information without the patients verbal consent and these attempts to access confidential information will be reported to the patient.
Elder abuse is any deliberate or unintentional action, or lack of action, carried out by a person in a trusted relationship, which causes distress, harm, or serious risk of harm to an older person, or loss or damage to property or assets.
Suspected or witnessed elder abuse WILL be reported to appropriate authorities
Consultation Fees
Short Consult (10 minutes without investigations or assessments)............................$37.10
Standard Consult (15 minutes with investigations or assessments)............................$51.40
Standard Consult (30 minutes with investigations or assessments)...........................$75.00
Long Consult (45 minutes with investigations or assessments).................................$98.80
Extended Consult (60 minutes with investigations or assessments)........................$125.00
Medicare Rebates currently NOT available for Consultations​
Procedure Fees (after initial consult)
Ear syringing.............................................................................................................................$75.00
Simple wound dressing......................................................................................................... $75.00
Complex wound dressing......................................................................................................$100.00
Wound repair (sutures/glue).................................................................................................$100.00
Cervical Screening/STI/BBV Screening..........................................................................$75.00
Implanon insertion/removal..............................................................................................$100.00
​Skin lesion biopsy/excision.................................................................................................$173.80
Cyst removal or drainage.....................................................................................................$173.80
Iron Infusions..........................................................................................................................$173.80
Medicare Rebates currently NOT available for Procedures or Pathology Investigations (CST, STI/BBV, blood/urine, biopsies, etc).